It’s Just Good Marketing

I was talking with a friend the other day, and something he said jumped up and struck me, dead in the forehead.

He was talking about how some friends of his, who were musicians, were making some really cool synth wave stuff out in LA. He basically wanted to introduce them to Immitter.  His reasoning, is what struck me over the head top.  “It wouldn’t hurt them to have another channel, its just good marketing”.  I think we need to take a step back and listen to the words coming out of this non-artists mouth, someone just looking from the outside in, a listener, waiting to be converted, to a fan.

Sometimes we are so trapped in our bubble of “cool”, that we miss the whole shit.  We’re blinded by being where everyone else is at, instead of working to be where everyone else is not.  Get your music out.  To more channels.  And once you’ve done that, even more channels.  Now, is the only time in history that you can literally ride the waves.  Let your music work for you, not the other way around. Besides, It’s just good marketing.