An Evening Interview With Dru Paris

Hey Immitter Family,

I’m going to start conducting interviews with our artists who are currently scaling the Immitter charts. First up is Dru Paris, a 22 year old out of New York City whose song Do What You Do is #4 on our playlist.

Hilarie Naymick xx

Dru Paris Performing
Dru Paris Performs on the show circuit in 2016
How would you describe your music?
I would say it’s New Age Rap/ R&B/ old school Hip Hop, and I think it carries its own aura.
How long have you been pursing music as a career?
I’m 22, and when I was 14 I started to lightly pursue the music industry as an actual dream or goal. I really started to take it seriously when my brother passed away when I was 17.
Can I ask how he passed?
It was an unfortunate circumstance. He got in a dispute with another guy, I think it was over a girl, and he ended up being fatally shot.
That’s awful, I’m sorry for your loss. How did that take a hold of your life?  It obviously had an effect on your music.
Yeah, I don’t know if I can site any one person who has influenced me through excellent action, but I know that I am heavily influenced by the negative actions of others. With my brother, it was such an unnecessary way to leave this earth, he had his whole life a head of him…It showed me to take the higher road and never let my anger or temper get the best of me. Just appreciate what I have and keep going with my head held high.
That’s invaluable, in the music industry and in life. But since we are talking about influences, can you tell me some of the artists who you have been inspired by or simply just love their tunes?
Well, I love Post Malone, a favorite song of his would be Go Flex.
Drake is amazing, Bria’s Interlude is definitely one of my favorites.
And I can always listen to John Mayer.
A huge part of the last decade of upcoming musicians have been influenced by him. From all genres really, because I hear him cited as a major influence from all walks of life as far as artists are concerned. What are some favorites of his?
Oh, well: Vultures, Gravity, Neon, and probably Stop This Train are the ones that immediately come to mind.
And what do you hope to accomplish with your music Dru, do you have a message that you would like future fans to take away from your songs?
Just that you don’t need to come from money or some big, well connected walk of life to get your music heard. Just keep going and see where everything leads.
Shout out to Immitter and Jermaine Kelly for being awesome, by the way!